Designing and Building a Meat Plant

Since meat processing is a very separate industry from farming, don’t assume that having a site located in an Ag District means you will be all set to build a slaughterhouse. As part of your feasibility analysis, you will need confirmation from local code and zoning officials before you make any plans.

If all signs indicate that you should keep pursuing the idea of opening a slaughterhouse, one of the next steps is to design a facility and make an informed budget estimate. Throughout this process, you should be working closely with the designated USDA inspector for your part of the state, as they can answer detailed questions and ensure your plans align with regulations.

Once again, the Niche Meat Processors’ Assistance Network (NMPAN) has helpfully compiled all the best information on plant design, including layout, water quality and quantity, equipment, and more. Check it out HERE.


Regulatory Compliance for USDA Plants


Raising Prices on Meat: a Pep Talk